radio scheduler
welcome to the official site
documentation] [contact]
*** 29th of April 2005 ***
2.0.7 is now online. This version has a minor bugfix regarding the
incorrect loading of some M3U playlists.
Here's a tip: all playlists that have an incomplete path stored in them must
an #EXTM3U tag at the beginning of the file.
Example :
( should be read >
c:\john\jingle1.mp3 )
the file should look like this :
If the full path is specified (c:\john\jingle1.m3u) the file may not have any
tags at all.
*** 23rd of April 2005 ***
desperate cries for help have been heard :) The forum's now back online
in more than a decent version.
Marc from New Zeeland was kind enough
to help me out with this. Thanks a million.
Feel free to post your woes, worries and queries on the new forum.
*** 2nd of April 2005 *** Problems with the forum and guestbook.
- Urgent help is needed with the forum. ALXNET.COM seems to be offline for quite
a long time.
The guestbook and forum are my way of keeping all of you connected in somewhat
of an online
WRS community.
Anyone willing to host a forum and guestbook, please send in your link to
the address in the CONTACT section.
*** 3rd of October 2004 *** Released WRS 2.0.6
- Minor bug releases : Run time error 6 (Overflow) Fixed
Run time error 7 (Out of memory) Fixed
- Made the installation package smaller :) (300 KB economy)
Download here
*** 21st July 2004 ***
The forum is now online. There you will find WRS discussions and technical
Visit it here
*** 20th July 2004 *** WRS 2.0.5 Released
NEW Features :
- jobs can now be exported to files (or imported from them)
- better weekly job looping (a job can now loop on several weekdays)
- 12 hour format compatibility* (not sure if i have done this right,
but it worked down here)
- automatically shuts down song scrolling in taskbar (in winamp)
- bugfixes (minimize to tray should now work fine,
corrected some problems with network m3u loading)
- the log viewer should now load faster. large log files are open in notepad
- fixed a problem that would delete the log file when it reached the maximum
allowed size. now it deletes only the oldest entries as new ones come in.
Still haven't upgraded it to work with Winamp 5 :)
*** 26th April 2004 *** Winamp 2.95 Uploaded
NEW WRS 2.0.2 INFO ! Read below !
* WRS was not intended to run with Winamp 5 * Download Winamp 2.95 here *
-nullsoft suspended the development of Winamp2 about 4 months
ago. i haven't updated my site and it turned out
that WRS, the Winamp Radio Scheduler, started being used with the new Winamp 5.
- toooooons of bug reports flooded my inbox stating that wrs does not work
fine or crashes or repeats songs.
I strongly recommend you install winamp 2.95 which uses A LOT LESS MEMORY and
CPU and does not require
high color depth and high screen resolution. It can run on a 400 MHZ CPU with
Windows 98 and 32 MB of RAM.
* The Repeating Jingle
This issue has come to my attention due to the many error reporting e-mails that
came in.
To correct this problem DO NOT USE SQR Crossfading. Use the plugin (directsound
output) included both with
winamp 2.95 and WRS 2.0.2.
This incompatibility could not be corrected as it is caused by the SQR
Crossfading plugin itself.
* As for default playlists,
they're gone in WRS2.
they did nothing but to create confusion among users...
So... let's review the above notes :
*** 9th March 2004 *** Uploaded Version 2.0.2
-corrected a bug that would crash WRS when minimized to tray "run
time error 384"
-double clicking a quicklist now edit the list filename
*** 6th March 2004 ***
here's the solution to the "Runtime Error 13 - Type Mismatch" problem.
as far as i know, visual basic does not correctly convert 12 hour time format to
24 hour format.
for example 09:23:00 PM should be 21:23:00... instead, visual basic returns
12:23:00 AM.
i don't know where this problem comes from. this time, i built WRS with a
conversion formula
for absolutely all dates and times. still, it's the conversions that go wrong.
until i find a way to get around this, in "CONTROL PANEL" find the icon
double click it and select in the "COUNTRY / REGION" combo box "GERMANY" or
or, even simpler.... switch the time format from 12 hour to 24 hour.
in "REGIONAL SETTINGS" modify the time format to "HH:MM"
(so that your computer displays 23:00 instead of 11:00 PM)
i guarantee this will solve the problem.
*** 3rd March 2004 ***
WRS 2.0.1 Released
- jobs now have tasks to perform. choose either one or a dozen per every job.
- turn on / off shuffling in Winamp
- turn on / off
in Winamp
- option to enqueue the scheduled files
/ lists
- full control of WRS behavior (jingles on / off, shuffled or not, etc.)
- improved live feed handling capability
- schedule computer shut downs
- schedule jingle / hvr list changes
- improved the way date and time are selected. no more confusions
- added the QuickLists window. now you can switch lists in Winamp much easier.
- improved the way the WRS log is displayed.
you can also open the "WRS.LOG" in the Winamp directory in notepad if loading
takes too long.
- improved code. wrs2 is 160 kb smaller than wrs 1.15
- got rid of comdlg32.ocx
- moved all the configuration in the registry (much more faster readings)
- add as many jobs / jingles / hvr songs as you want
- added jingle / hvr song lists
- added log trimming and log trimming
- improved winamp connection
- improved silence detection now starts winamp when stopped
- added lots of customizations
- improved WRS checks, so that the user cannot screw up the commands :)
of course, WRS is not error proof... yet !
- and many other tiny improvements :)
just download it and give it a try :)
Remember, this is only a test version so don't expect the ultimate stabilty.
Just tell me how it works. I'm testing it over here, myself.
i'll soon add a "job migrating tool" to migrate jobs / jingles / hvr songs from
wrs 1 to wrs 2.
Enjoy WRS2 - download
PS : sorry about the crappy installer :)
*** 27th February 2004 *** WRS 2.0 Sneak Preview.
Click here to see some screenshots from WRS2.
Tons of new features added,
I have even thought of adding skins :)
*** 24th January 2004 *** WRS
1.15 IS OUT !!! Download it now !
Changes since WRS 1.11c:
- Changed the way WRS calculates the job's date. Should now work with the
American date format :) (finally)
- Modified heavy rotation song playing interval to minutes (as requested).
You can now schedule songs on heavy rotation every 10 to 600 minutes :)
- Itsy bitsy code improvements :)
Started work on WRS 2 :)
Sneak preview features:
- Jobs will include a number of events to choose from (start/stop playing music,
turn shuffle on/off,
load file/list, start/stop live feed, enable/disable HVR/JNG,
shut down computer/quit WRS, load jingle/HVR lists,
delete job, launch custom program)
- Jingle and Heavy Rotation LISTS (change jingles with every show)
- Improved LIVE FEED Support
- Unlimited jobs / jingles / HVR songs (not 99 as now)
- Job scheduling down to seconds (schedule a job at 13:29:43)
Now, WRS is free and will stay this way :)
some donations would not come in bad, though. if you can help me in any way
by donating as much money
as you want, you're free to do it. i'm in a bad shortage of money since i
started college and i do not have the time
to work. Custom software projects are my only source of income. So, if you
like WRS and want it to evolve faster
you can help me by sending in some cash.
Contact me
for donation details.
*** 23-rd November 2003 *** !!! The new website is : !!!
Sorry about the site being down, the bitches at HOME.RO won't give me back the
old domain (wrs.visionfm) because
sub-domains are not allowed. so i moved :)
i did NOT ABANDON the WRS project, but, for the moment i have no time to work on
it. the universitiy is
pretty demanding :() sorry. I promise i'll come back with a new better version
sometime soon.
*** 25th Jul 2003
*** Finally i passed all my exams and i was
accepted at the electronics and communications faculty in Bucharest. Thus i am
very happy and relieved.
Now, that the exams are over I'm going to take a vacation and work at my own
radio station. The WRS project WAS NOT ABANDONED ! Work on it will
resume in fall, though. I've still got lots of things on my head and i have to
finish them in about two months. WRS development will continue
in about a month. In the meantime I'm going to mention some answers to
frequently asked questions :
Q: Does WRS work with SQR Crossfading ?
A: Sadly, NO. It's because SQR Crossfading uses pretty large read-ahead buffers
and cannot face
the quick changing of playlist items. I strongly recommend you use the output
plugin i included
(the directsound plugin). It can do pretty good crossfades and it works
Q: WRS does not play jingles after it loads them in Winamp's playlist !
A: This inconvenience has been discovered recently through your reports and was
very hard to track
down. WRS reads title info from Winamp's titlebar and it experiences problems it
the text is
If this doesn't work, the other problem is surely the SQR Crossfading plugin
(see above),
A: As far as i programmed it, yes it does. There have been reports, though, if
between dates or bad date conversions performed by WRS. If these problems occur,
try setting
your date to GERMAN date format ( DAY/MONTH/YEAR )
Q: Why does WRS play some jingles TWICE or even THREE TIMES on air ?
A: Because of SQR Crossfading (see above).
Q: How do i schedule the automatic stop of live feed ?
A: Schedule any job with a file + list.
These were the most common WRS
problems you experienced. Feel free to contact me for more questions.
*** 17th Apr 2003
*** Good news. All the download files are back online. Just a matter of
changing the server.... by the way, if anybody can offer free hosting for
installation kit, please send me an email. Thank you. Now go download
*** 16th Apr 2003
*** Looks like the main download site is down... sorry about that, i'll
have it fixed in about 24 hours. Untill then you can download from
Some of the links still work, the ones that are down are now disabled.
*** 20th Mar 2003
*** Thanks to you
feedback another bug has been corrected. WRS would sometimes launch null jobs
with no files bringing WINAMP
to a halt. This has now been corrected and the new patch is available as
"WRS 1.11 RELEASE 4". Download it
Download WRS 1.11c Release 4 Update
*** 13th Mar 2003 *** Updated the installation kit to version 1.11a release 2. This way, you automatically get the new version the patch used to install.
*** 8th Mar 2003
*** WRS now works with 12 hour format. Download the patch and
install it if your computer uses 12 hour time format.
Useful if you're located
in the USA :)
The actual problem was that WRS could not work on systems with 12 hour time
format (instead of 21:30 the system would return 9:30 PM).
i missed this thing out and recently corrected it through a patch update. Download
(if you get the "run-time error 13" frequently and WRS crashes)
Do not update your version if
your WRS works fine.
Download the 12 HOUR PATCH for WRS here . Patching
instructions available in the instructions.txt file included in the package.
*** 6th Mar 2003
*** WRS 1.11 Release
Test Results : After
3 exhausting weeks of beta-testing WRS 1.11 finally passed the 120 hour marathon
without one crash.
During this period of time my station was completely automated with WRS. Live
feeds were casted, programs ran as scheduled
(almost) everything ran smoothly. All bugs that came up during the programs were
corrected and the test was restarted.
New Features : Lots of
bugfixes (thanks to your feedback)
Jingle / Heavy Rotation disabling function added
Added support for up to 99 jobs/jingles/heavy rotation songs
Improved code for faster job execution
Bundled a newer version of Peter Pawlowski's output to improve crossfading
Added minimize button on WRS' window
Documentation now available
Known Problem : Most bugs in
WRS 1.10 were fixed, the only known bug that could not be fixed is the MIDNIGHT
JOB BUG which makes
its appearance on older processors with 32 kb of cache and windows '98 an '95.
This bug sometimes prevents WRS from running any jobs at midnight (00:00) on older system
configurations with windows '98 'and 95.
Although WRS was created using simple math calculus to run even on a 486 there
seem to be problems in windows '98 and '95
which set the program's access level to a minimum when the computer is
idle. Thus winamp does not crossfade gaplessly no more
and wrs does not run jobs at midnight. It does good with all the other jobs,
though. Why midnight ? because WRS refreshes itself at
midnight to re-read all the jobs and re-set the schedule for the day to come.
Until i find a way to fix this in windows 98 i recommend you Windows NT, Windows
2000 or Windows XP.
Requirements : Minimum
System Configuration :
AMD K6-II @ 400 MHz, 64 MB of RAM for pretty good crossfading
Recommended System Configuration :
AMD ATHLON @ 1000 MHz, 128 MB of RAM, UDMA 100 / 133 for perfect crossfading
*** 21st Feb 2003 *** PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT :
- it does not support more than 10 jobs / jingles / heavy rotation songs (it
will not refuse add more than 10 items, though)
- it crashes if you exit by clicking the X button on the upper left window tray
- it crashes ocasionally when adding jingles during program play
- it messes up weekdays if you delete some of the jobs
I know i promised you i'll put WRS 1.11 online in about a week but some problems
emerged while testing it and i went "back to the drawing board"
All the bugs in WRS 1.11
have been corrected. I'm
keeping it under heavy testing because i do not want to release yet anothersinister version
like the previous.
I apologise for being so late but i promise the next version will be a lot
thank you.
*** 21st Feb 2003
*** Added a guestbook
to the site.
WRS tests are going pretty good. Many bugs were corrected, and the new version
is running for 3 days now without a single crash.
A few more days and the new version is up :)
*** 17th Feb 2003
*** Put documentation for WRS 1.11 online. Also, uploaded some screenshots
of the new version.
Completed the new version 1.11 of WRS, which is now under beta testing. If this
version will behave well on air, it will be online in about a week.
In the meantime, take a look at the new version in the Online
Documentation Section
The new documentation is also available for download here
*** 2nd Feb 2003
*** Developped & put online "WRS Startup Manager". It is a
new useful program that loads up instead of the traditional explorer interface
and starts
WRS automatically. Very useful if you have a low-memory computer and use it
exclusively for music transmission. You can replace the explorer
with WRS Startup Manager , you can configure WRS to start automatically with the explorer.
It does not work very well with windows XP,
because of the welcome stays on for about 20 seconds. That does not affect it's
funtionality, though.
Download WRS Startup Manager Version 1.00
*** 27th Jan 2003
*** Minor Job Adding Bug Corrected. Updated Release 1 setup package.
*** 26th Jan
2003 *** WRS
1.10 Release 1 is now ONLINE.
Though the this release
was initially scheduled for the 28-th of january, i put it online 2 days
*** NEW Features :
- Better Installer
- Live Feed Scheduling Ability (Thanks to Jasper's Line In Plugin)
- Nullsoft's DirectSound Output Plugin Included In Setup Package (Due to
incompatibility with SQR Crossfading)
- Job/Jingle/Song Queuing Option Added
- Automatic Silence Detection
- Automatic Play On Startup
- Song's Title, Time Remaining / Time Elapsed Now Displayed In WRS
- Weekly Job Looping Added
Download version 1.10 Now !
PS : Sorry about the missing 1.10 documentation, should be online soon !
*** 19th Jan
2003 *** WRS 1.10 Beta 2 is finally online. This beta version now has the
ability to play in winamp live feed directly from the line in thanks to Jasper's
plugin included in the package.
*** 19th Jan
2003 *** WRS 1.10 Beta 1 is finally online. This beta version is a "sneak
preview" of what's to come. It includes the new functions of WRS 1.10
but it's yet pretty buggy. Help me make this version better by submitting bug
reports. Your help is very important and you will be mentioned in
the "credits" section.
*** 12th Jan
2003 *** Found and fixed a very nasty bug that prevented WRS from playing
jingles as queued when the shuffle option was off. WRS would repeat
the first jingle untill the list would be shuffled again. (thanx George for
Added minimize option in the control box. Now you can minimize that big nasty
window :)
Download version 1.05 NOW !!!
*** 10th Jan 2003 *** Found a nasty
buglet that alignes some button's text badly in Windows 95 OSR 1. I'm gonna look
into it soon.
Added link to VBRUN60.EXE on Microsoft's Download Servers for old computers
still running Windows 95 or outdated versions of Windows 98.
Succesfully installed WRS on a 5x86 AMD with 8 MB of ram :) Works just fine,
except that it doesn't have enought processor power to play MP3's at
full quality in Winamp ;) Blame it on the 33 MHz FSB ??
*** 9th Jan 2003 *** Corrected
a minor bug in WRS that displayed "Play a jingle at ... " instead of
"Play a song at..." in the Heavy Rotation Window.
The log file now shows the time in the "hh:mm:ss" format.
Updated the
corrupted installationfile ' SETUP.EXE '. Made some improvements in the
installation procedure. It should now run smoother.
The new setup.exe unpacks the installation kit to your temporary directory,
overwriting any name-matching files. It automatically launches INSTALLER.EXE
The extracted installation kit will remain in your temp dir.
*** 7th Jan 2003 *** WRS site
*** 6th Jan 2003 *** Fixed memory bug in public version 1.00, uploaded version
Short Description :
winamp radio scheduler is the program that lets you turn your computer into an
advanced transmission studio. no more expensive programs that require 128 mb of
ram, and stuff like that. wrs is simple. this is a task shceduler optimized for
use with radio stations. it's got jingle and song rotating functions
Minimum Requirements :
586 @ 133 mhz (to play
mp3's), 8 mb of ram, approx. 2 mb hdd space. in the future, it may even run on
slower configurations :)